Discover First
New Member Orientation
If you're interested in becoming a member at Athens First United Methodist Church, please email
Athens First United Methodist Church
Mission & Vision: To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of our community and world by having a Loving Faith, a Learning Faith, and a Living Faith.
Discipleship Process: A Loving Faith, A Learning Faith, & A Living Faith
To access a printable version of the document CLICK HERE
Getting Connected
Small Groups/Bible Studies: Small Group & Bible Study
Opportunities to Serve
To access the Google Form, CLICK HERE
To access a printable version of the document CLICK HERE
Communications: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & Connections
Church Membership
To access a printable version of the document, CLICK HERE
Next Steps
New Member Form
To access the Google Form, CLICK HERE
To access a printable version of the document, CLICK HERE
Wesleyan Covenant Prayer
Refer to image.