Prayer Ministry


Prayer is an enormous and important part of the ministry here at Athens First.  We pray over many areas, as much as we possibly can. There are several ways that we can pray for YOU, too.

All are welcome to pray in the Sanctuary or Chapel during the day if you need a quiet haven.

If you have a prayer request that you’d like to be immediately prayed for, you can email and the prayer can be directed to appropriate prayer warriors.

Weekly Prayer Gathering

Join us from 8:00AM9:30AM Tuesday mornings in the Welcome Center (front entrance of the church) as we pray for all requests and for all that is on our hearts.

The Prayer Box

The outdoor prayer box is located in the front of the church affixed to a white cross. Each Tuesday morning at 7:30AM, prayers from this box are collected and added to those prayer requests received from Sunday morning worship Connect Cards.