Sunday Worship Services
Welcome, friends! Thank you for choosing to visit us at Athens First United Methodist Church! We welcome you.
Worship In-Person
Both our 9:00 AM (Chapel) and our 10:30 AM (Sanctuary) worship services are an hour long. They include hymns, prayers, and a biblically based sermons that are relevant to our everyday lives. During the school year, our 10:30 AM service offers special music by our Chancel Choir and our Bell Choir. Also during the 10:30 AM service, we provide nursery care that is located on the Ground Floor.
The Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated on the 1st Sunday of each month at both services. All are welcome to receive Holy Communion regardless of church membership. We serve communion by intinction where people are invited to come forward to one of the communion stations, receive a piece of bread, dip it into a chalice of grape juice, partake, and return to the pews.
The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is available upon request. We baptize persons of all ages, including infants. Contact the church office for more information to schedule a baptism.
Worship Online
Sunday's Services are streamed live at 10:30am and stored on YouTube.